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How do I get a sale on Shopify?

You only need 4 things to make a sale on Shopify. 

  1. You need to find the right product

  2. Create engaging content about it (video, audio or written form)

  3. Show that content to the right target audience

  4. Convert that target audience on your product page

That’s it, you only need those 4 ingredients. Sure each one is a challenge at first, and combining all of them at once is even harder… but it doesn’t make it any less true. 

Also the importance of those factors is in that order. Finding the right product is by far the most important, while your product page quality matters less than you think. 

Creating content is then more  important than targeting, since without the right content it doesn’t matter who you show the ad to. 

So focus most of your time on finding the right product and planning which content you will create. Most beginners do the opposite: they mostly focus on creating the product page and doing marketing campaigns (targeting). Sure those are important but you have to reverse engineer successful stores, and focus way more on the first to steps. 


PS. Focus on each of those steps with this rough split

  • Finding the right product (~60%)

  • Creating content (~20%)

  • Targeting (~15%)

  • Product page (~5%)

This might seem counterintuitive, but I have seen it play out many times.


{Note: this blog is part of our Q&A series, were we answer the most common questions about Shopify & Ecommerce on Quora, Reddit and other popular online websites}


For a much more detailed video on the 4 factors see:



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